LINGUIST List 3.87

Fri 31 Jan 1992

Disc: Proto-World

Editor for this issue: <>


  • Herb Stahlke, Proto-World
  • , Proto-World
  • "Grover.Hudson", Proto-world
  • David Bedell, Mother Tongue

    Message 1: Proto-World

    Date: Mon, 27 Jan 1992 11:07 ESTProto-World
    From: Herb Stahlke <00HFSTAHLKELEO.BSUVC.BSU.EDU>
    Subject: Proto-World

    I too found Cavalli-Sforza's attempt to match linguistic with genetic trees a bit loose, but I'm not sure the Scientific American article is the best target for the criticism the ideas deserve. I suggest looking back at the Richard Bateman article "Speaking of forked tongues: the feasibility of reconciling human phylogeny and the history of language...." in Current Anthropology, Feb 1990, v31, n1, for a fuller treatment and a broad range of critical response from linguists, anthropologists, and geneticists.

    Herb Stahlke Ball State University

    Message 2: Proto-World

    Date: Tue, 28 Jan 92 11:35:20 ESProto-World
    From: <acarnieAthena.MIT.EDU>
    Subject: Proto-World

    It is with some interest that I've been reading the debate over the "popular" science press' presentation of highly contraversial theories as fact. But it strikes me that the discussion has taken an unfortunate turn. I don't think we should be concerned about the the fact that Scientific American has adopted the "proto-world" theory (no matter how reprehensible it is). It concerns me that they should be presenting it at all. The popular press seems to be under the mistaken opinion that Historical Linguistics is the mainstream in linguistic thought; that proto-world is a "HOT" topic that has everybody bouncing. This really bothers me. I feel that Theoreticians, Psycholinguists, and Sociolinguists are not receiving the attention that they deserve. (Not that I'm of the opinion that historical linguists isn't interesting. Its just that for the past 80 or 90 years it hasn't been the central focus of linguists). I think its about time that Scientific American and its ilk start publishing articles about issues that are of interest to the majority of linguists. For example, I think a great article could be published over the innateness debate, or perhaps about Crain's or Wexler's acquisition experiments, or about recent advancements in computational linguistics. Does anyone else have strong opinions in this direction? If so I think we should make the popular science press aware of our discontent with their treatment of our discipline.

    Andrew Carnie 20D 219, MIT 77 Mass Ave Cambridge MA 0219

    Message 3: Proto-world

    Date: Tue, 28 Jan 92 11:52 EST
    From: "Grover.Hudson" <>
    Subject: Proto-world

    Jacques Guy in Vol-3-81 on 27 Jan. 1992 offers a criticism of a Scientific American article by Cavalli-Sforza. Among his words were "Sforza's methodology, which I consider worthless: in breach of the scientific method, and mathematically incorrect". Richard Sproat in Vol-3-82 also on 27 Jan. 1992 says of the article: "it would be definitely worthwhile resurrecting those debunkings of that article... I felt that this was a classic example of how to lie with graphics". Eric Schiller also in 3-82 says that he "was outraged by the Scientific American article", and that "It is shameful that Austro-Tai is taken as default truth by so many authorities".

    I'll try to be brief, even with some loss of appropriate clarity.

    The choice of such emotional words as seen in the quotes detracts from the effectiveness of the criticisms, since readers know that persons are somewhat unreliable in the emotional states for which the words are appropriate.

    Second, and more important, by such words their users are attempting to invoke the method of authority to strengthen their criticisms, since only of authorities would we be interested in their emotional states.

    Finally, it seems to me inappropriate for linguists to be so emotionally negative about the "proto-world" hypotheses. Who is to say what a good hypothesis is? Perhaps as teachers limited time and our obligation to students requires us occasionally to give a simple, even somewhat emotional, evaluation of a hypothesis rather than counterarguments. But is it appropriate for linguists to try so to discourage this or that line of research of other linguists or (certainly) anthropologists? "Upon this first, and in thi sense sole, rule of reason, that in order to learn you must desire to learn, and in so desiring not be satisfied with what you already incline to think, there follows one corollary which itself deserves to be inscribed upon every wall of the city of philosophy: Do not block the way of inquiry" (C.S. Peirce, Collected Papers I (1931-35), 56-58).

    Grover Hudson Linguistics, MSU, East Lansing 48824

    Message 4: Mother Tongue

    Date: Wed, 29 Jan 92 23:24:14 CSMother Tongue
    From: David Bedell <DBEDELL3UA1VM.UA.EDU>
    Subject: Mother Tongue

    >From David Bedell, Univ. of Alabama

    This is in response to Jacques Guy's critique of the Scientific American article by Cavalli-Sforza. I too was puzzled by some of the populations included, as well as some excluded, in the classification chart. Apparently the Sardinians have some genetic features that set them apart from other Mediterranean (European and North African) people, yet I've never heard of any distinctive culture or language that existed there before they were Roman or Italian. Did they, for example, speak a language related to Basque or Etruscan before the Romans arrived? Where do the Basques fit on the chart, genetically or linguist- ically? From the Rh-blood factor gene map included in the article, one would think that the Basques should hold a rather special genetic position. Also on the Rh-factor map, did you notice that the Icelandic population has a very low incidence of Rh-negative individuals, unlike the rest of Scandinavia? Why is this? The only explanation I could think of (assuming the map is accurate) is that Iceland was settled by a relatively small group of Norsemen, all of whom--or most of whom--happened to be Rh-positive. Jacques Guy pointed out the great genetic distance between Tibetans and South Chinese, even though they speak related languages. The absence of North Chinese from the chart is very confusing. I can only guess that the N. Chinese would be genetically close to the Tibetans (and Koreans, Japanese, Mongols, etc.). As I understand it, the Chinese language originated in North China and spread to the south during the Han Dynasty. The South Chinese, who even today are a different physical type from the northerners, originally spoke some Daic languages, of which the Zhuang minority language is a modern survival. To be fair, Cavalli-Sforza does point out this phenomenon of language replacement. He explains cites the Lapps and the Ethiopians as examples of mismatches between genetic affinity and linguistic affinity. But there must have been an awful lot of language replacement or gene replacement for the present state of genetic/linguistic non-correlation to have arisen. --David Bedell, U. of Alabama (